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Product Photography Prices

Number of Products   5-9    10-19 20-34 35-49 50 +
Price per image   $22 $18 $14 $11 $9
*The prices above are for general retail items which do not include apparel, fine jewelry or watches.
CLOTHING /APPAREL 5-9    10-19 20-34 35-49 50 +
Price per image $28 $22 $18 $15 $13
IT IS ECONOMICAL TO SHIP TO US. Allow UPS, FEDEX or the Post Office to worry about traffic, gas, tolls and your time. We will make every effort to give realistic completion times but have no control over changes and suggestions made by clients, workloads and delayed responses by clients after proofs are posted. it is our wish to complete every job as quickly as we possibly can and will also provide email updates as to the progress or challenges with a new or unusual items. For costume jewelry or novelty items please refer to the basic "product" prices in the first table at the top


Product photography for all products: Absolutely no upfront fees. We first test your products for approval. Afer you approve the first image we will complete the remaining images. When you appove all images then we will send an invoice. No other studio has this policy. This is part of our satisfaction guarantee.


Apparel / Clothing photography includes a variety of items including shirts, pants, scarves, skirts, dresses, sweaters, jackets, vests, undergarments, pajamas, bathrobes, etc. All of these items may be photographed on a mannequin or laid flat. Steaming of garments is now included in our prices.


Let us shoot your RAW images up to 50 percent off. We'll shoot RAW images and you may have them edited on your own terms for pennies on the dollar. Our RAW images are 90 percent finished on the camera. No Strings attached. As low as $6 per image. Editors may charge as low as $2 per image online.


All clients simply ship samples to us via UPS, USPS or FEDEX and include a pre-paid return shipping label. We receive, inspect and inform you of the delivery. We then professionally photograph each item, edit files for imperfections and prepare them for you to receive via a download link and promptly return your samples exactly as received. It's really that simple.

Our Promise

If you're not satisfied with the overall quality of our service, we'll re-photograph all of your products at our expense to satisfy your needs. We are extremely confident that all of our clients will be completely happy with our service and should continue to use our expertise when requested. Contact us any time for additional info on product photography services.


The images we create belong to our clients and our studio. Clients may use our images for all marketing and promotional products without restrictions but may not use them to market photography services of any kind. Client images do not contain copyright information but there is mutual agreement in exchange for high quality and affordability.


Each item in a group shot still has to be edited independently of the other items, thus the price difference. The prices on the chart above may not apply to every job. For example, fine jewelry and watches are priced based on the complexity of each piece. (this does not apply to inexpensive novely items) Location shoots for fine jewelry also fall into different pricing estimates based on client preferences.
We frequently remind clients to send prepaid return labels with all orders. We cannot be responsible for samples which are in our possession for more than 180 days. We will only send reminders for return labels to ship back samples via email. Up to 3 email reminders will be forwared. Once a client approves their images for any order, changes or reshoots on completed and approved jobs may be billed accordingly. We do not ask for any payments before completing all jobs. When a job is approved and completed, payment must be collected within 2 business days. Images will not be available for downloads before payments are collected.
The images we capture for any client has a shared ownership between the client and the studio. We do not watermark or dispute usage. We also occasionally use images for our portfolio and less often for some marketing. Using the images for our porfolio and marketing helps us to continue to provide services and to stay in business. We will never, ever share any clients images with different clients. We do not sell or distribute any images under any circumstance with stock photography sites or other studios.