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A Professional Photography Studio


Our Services

We provide the best digital solutions.

Product Photography Fast

We are Fort Lauderdale product photographers delivering professional product photography on white backgrounds for over 18 years. We specialize in jewelry photography, fashion photography, photography for electronics and more. We service distributors, wholesalers and retailers nationwide. We offer fast turn around on small projects including fine jewelry, accessories, apparel, shoes, hats, handbags, socks, leggings, scarves, skincare, health, vitamins, electronics, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, headbands and more. There are no upfront fees. Request a free test shoot with obligation to use our services.

Our Promises

Everyone is aware that creative professionals work on a timed fee or cost per project basis. Our philosophy is slightly different. When building relationships (especially with new clients) we strive to go above and beyond what is necessary to satisfy all who hire us. There is a learning curve with a small percentage of clients. The learning curve sometimes forces us (photographers) to spend extra time experimenting with a new product to complete a project. Experimenting is absolutely necessary to remain successful and hone our skills. Our promise: If we do not initially produce the type of imagery that is demanded by any client, we will re-photograph the entire project at our expense. According to our philosophy, no project will leave our premises unless all clients are satisfied.


Commercial product photography by mail was unheard of or even imagined just 8 short years ago. With the new world of telecommuters (people working remotely) it is becoming the most cost effective way for both the professional service provider and businesses which are looking to save on expenses by hiring remotely at a much lower rate than contacting larger local firms. Commercial product photography via UPS or FEDEX is becoming mainstream as companies build relationships with professional photographers who now make a living by offering repeated volume services instead of looking for individual large projects. The quality is the same but the costs are significantly lower.


Are you looking for product photography for jewelry, electronics or fashion? These are just a few terms others search for. Professional product photographers are here to professionally provide quality images which assists businesses to generate sales. Please contact us with any questions or inquiries regarding the services listed.

Closer Than Expected

YOU'RE NOT TOO FAR FOR SERVICE. Many of our clients ship directly to us for photography. When we receive shipments, we will unpack and inform you of the delivery immediately. Simply deliver your items to our location and we will professionally photograph, edit and prepare your high resolution product images for download to your desktop. No fees will be collected until your photography is complete.


Professional lighting and creative techniques are used to enhance and create great images for even the most demanding clients. Whether you need affordable product photography or fashion photography services, we test images for your approval before any job is performed. Our attention to every detail ensures that all projects are consistently completed before proofs are published.

What People Say?

We annoyingly asked multiple times, "Where's the fine print?" They insisted that there were no hidden facts. They provide the highest quality at a much lower price than others and deliver within a few days.

— Natalie K, CEO

We have yet to find a lower priced company outside of Asia or 3rd world countries who provides this quality at a fast pace.

— Adam H, VP Gatti Genius

I'm confident that I made the correct economical choice to enhance my company's website.

— Rob N, CEO

For a small business your results makes you look "LARGE".

— Michelle E, CEO

My Amazon store just got an upgrade. These guys delivered on the quality I needed for my small store.

— Michelle G, Home Business Owner


What will you get if you choose us?


Images are 95 percent finished on the camera including a pure white background. Retouching is minimal and delivery is a priority with no upfront fees, no setup fees and no employees to manage.


Retouching is included in our affordable prices. Every image is carefully examined for imperfections and corrected if necessary. We recommend white backgrounds for optimal clarity in online stores.


If you require backgrounds to be completely removed for custom design and layouts, our expert photo editors can create seamless transparent edges for almost any type of product. We are Photoshop experts.


Absolutely no upfront fees. We first test your products for approval. After you approve the first image we will complete the remaining images. When you appove all images then we will send an invoice.


Let us shoot your RAW images up to 50 percent off. We'll shoot RAW images and you may have them edited on your own terms for pennies on the dollar. Our RAW images are 90 percent finished on the camera.


We are keen on web standards such as Amazon and Ebay. Download the AMAZON product photography requirements here: PDF

Want to discuss your new project?

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